Code of Ethics
Zaini’s Code of Ethics is an official document approved by the Board of Directors that collects a series of principles and rules of conduct followed by all of those operating in our corporate environment. Its purpose is to declare and spread the core values to which our company intends to constantly refer in the exercise of its business practice.
Whoever carries out activities in the name and on behalf of the company, and wherever they operate – both in Italy and abroad – is strictly required to observe the Code’s rules, whose compliance is also guaranteed by a special Supervisory Body, in application of the provisions of Legislative Italian Decree No. 231/2001.
The objective of the Ethical Code is to ensure, on the one hand, that the activity is carried out according to principles of fairness, fair competition and transparency towards all operators on the market. On the other hand, it aims to guarantee Zaini’s employees and collaborators full protection of their rights, preventing any form of discrimination, promoting a culture of safety in the workplace, and meeting the ever-increasing needs of environmental protection and sustainable production.

Le nuove donne
del cacao
Sul piano etico, un importante traguardo che l’azienda è riuscita a raggiungere, è dato dal varo del progetto “LE NUOVE DONNE DEL CACAO”, nato da un’idea di Solange N’Guessan, a capo della Unione Cooperative di San Pedro (UCAS), e realizzatosi nell’incontro con Luigi e Antonella Zaini.
La strategia che ispira questo progetto è nel senso della modernizzazione della produzione locale di sapone, da sempre realizzato per l’uso familiare secondo un’antica tecnica manuale, in modo da rendere questa attività un mestiere riconosciuto, retribuito e accessibile a molte donne ivoriane delle cooperative UCAS.